5 Days-Samburu/Aberdare/L.Nakuru

DAY 1 AND 2                                                                                                                                                                                                 
We leave Nairobi for Samburu National Reserve at 0900 hrs.This park is situated within the lands of the colorful Samburu people,close relatives of the Maasai people. A picnic lunch will be served on the way and we shall arrive in time for an evening game drive. The park harbors a number of wildlife species rarely found elsewhere in any large numbers.These include the Grevy's gazelle, the reticulated giraffe and the Beisic orynx,all species only found north of the equator. The Ewaso Ngiro river which rises some hundreds of kilometers to the west is fringed with giant acacias and offers shade and sustenance to wildlife that comes to the river.Elephants find solace and contentment from the river and can be found bathing and drinking in a spectacle of unconscious pleasure. Dinner will be at the preferred choice of accommodation.
The second day will be spent game viewing in the park.All meals will be served at the campsite.  


We shall leave the park in the afternoon and drive to the Aberdare, where we will spend the night at one of the luxurious Tree Top Lodges situated in the lush forests of the Aberdares. These Lodges overlook waterholes and salt licks that become somewhat busy as the sun sets as the animals come to quench their thirst after a long day.


We shall leave the Aberdares in the morning for an evening game drive at the Lake Nakuru National Park.This Park is often referred to as the "pink lake" as it is world famous as the location of the greatest bird spectacle on earth-the pink flamingo whose numbers are legion,often more than a million or two.The lake is also rich in other birdlife with over 400 resident species.The park has been enlarged to provide sanctuary for the black rhino which exists here in the greatest concentration in the country.
Other wild life found here include the Roth's -childgiraffe, the waterbuck,predators like the lion ,leopard etc.
All meals will be provided from the accommodation base.


After an early morning game drive we shall then depart for Nairobi.


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