7 Days-Masai Mara/Lake Nakuru/Amboseli

lions hunting


We shall leave Nairobi for the Masai Mara at about 0900 hrs stopping for a picnic lunch on the way.
We shall arrive in time for an game drive. The first sight of this wonderland is truly amazing.
The second day will comprise of a full day game viewing with a picnic lunch.While in search of the big five, one might witness the great trek of the wildebeest and the zebras through the Mara in search of greener pastures at the border of Kenya.
Driving through this great herds is an unimaginable experience.


This will be yet another day spent in the Mara starting with a morning game drive followed by an afternoon game drive after lunch.
The thompson's gazelle, topi, eland and many more plain wildlife species offer a variety of food for the dominant predators like the lion the leopard and the cheetah.
The Mara river is the home of dozens of crocodiles that sunbathe awaiting for their prey, and the rhinos too.Be sure to catch all these.
Animals grazing


We shall leave the Mara and head for Lake Nakuru national park which is world famous as the home of the the pink flamingos that flock the lake in millions.
The lake is also rich in other birdlife with over 400 res
ident species.The park is also the home of the endangered black rhino, the rothchild's giraffe,the waterbucks and predators like the lion and the leopard.


We will start the next day with a morning game drive after which we shall leave for the Amboseli National park.
This lies at the foot of Mt.Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain.The snow capped peak of Mt.Kilimanjaro rising above a saucer of clouds dominates every aspect of this park.
The snows of the Kilimanjaro white and crystalline form a majestic backdrop to one of Kenya's most spectacular display of wildlife- the lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, cheetah, buffalo and hosts of the plain's game creating Kenya's most sought after photographer's paradise.
The next day will be spent game viewing and sight seeing in the park.

Rothschild giraffe


After a morning game drive, we shall leave for Nairobi.


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