7 Days - Samburu/Mt. Kenya /Amboseli/Tsavo ...

Beisa Oryx


We leave Nairobi for Samburu National Reserve at 0900 hrs. This park is situated within the lands of the colorful Samburu people, close relatives of the Maasai people.
A picnic lunch will be served on the way and we shall arrive in time for an evening game drive.
The park harbors a number of wildlife species rarely found elsewhere in any large numbers.
These include the Grevy's gazelle, the reticulated giraffe and the Beisia orynx, all species only found north of the equator.

The Ewaso Ngiro river which rises some hundreds of kilometers to the west is fringed with giant acacias and offers shade and sustenance to wildlife that comes to the river.
Elephants find solace and contentment from the river and can be found bathing and drinking in a spectacle of unconscious pleasure.
The second day will be spent game viewing in the park.
All meals and overnight at the Park.


We shall leave the park and drive to the Aberdare, where we will spend the night in one of the luxurious tree Hotels situated in the lush forests of Mt. Kenya and Aberdare. The Tree hotels overlook a waterhole that becomes somewhat busy as the sun sets as the animals come to quench their thirst after a long day. 


mt kilimanjaro
We shall leave the Aberdares or the Mt. Kenya region and head to the Amboseli National park.
This lies at the foot of the majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain. The snow capped peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro rising above a saucer of clouds dominates every aspect of the Amboseli.
The snows of the Mt. Kilimanjaro, white and crystalline form a majestic backdrop to one of Kenya's most spectacular display of wildlife-lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, cheetah, buffalo and hosts of plain's game creating Kenya's most sought after photographer's paradise.
The park is also the home of maasai, those tall proud nomads who have learned to live in complete harmony with the wildlife that surrounds them.
The next day will be spent game viewing around the Amboseli.


Leave Amboseli for Tsavo National Park. The combined area of Tsavo East and West makes it one of the World's largest game sanctuaries, even larger than the Wales in Great Britain.
We shall arrive in Tsavo West in time for an evening game drive. Chief amongst the marvels of this park is the Mzima Springs which forms a haven for rich wildlife pageant with the elephant soaking half immersed in the waters, the hippos apparently weightless, tiptoeing across the bottom, crocodiles basking at the bank or swirling through the water, gazelles, zebra and giraffe wandering around the banks through the thick acacias and raffia palms together with hundreds of chattering monkeys and birds.
Apart from the elephant population that also graces the park, there are many lions, some undoubtedly the descendants of the famous man eaters of Tsavo.
elephant at Tsavo west national park
Dinner and overnight stay at the Park.
We shall spend the early part of the day experiencing some more of the Tsavo marvels and then leave for Nairobi where you will be dropped at your respective Hotels.


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